Ecological Restoration
Ecological restoration; the process of assisting the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged, or destroyed.
Process-based ecological restoration is the key to helping rivers recover on their own.
We want to guide rivers and streams back onto a path of self-recovery. Over the last decade, we have learned that jumpstarting the restoration of stream processes leads to rivers and streams that repair themselves.
Stream processes are the chemical and biological processes that sustain river and floodplain ecosystems. These include but are not limited to, substrate movement, high-flow events, trees falling into streams, plant succession, and floodplain connectivity.
Our experienced restoration team uses a variety of strategies to achieve the goal of process restoration, ultimately enhancing Rogue River watersheds' ability to recover from disturbances and challenges.
Read on to learn how this resilience not only benefits the condition of natural ecosystems, but also human communities.
Explore RRWC Restoration Strategies
We use a variety of strategies to implement ecological restoration on varying scales.
Dive Deeper into RRWC Restoration