Coho Strategic Action Plan
We are leading the development of the Upper Rogue Coho Strategic Action Plan in collaboration with 10 strategic partners.
This is a long-range, strategic plan to implement restoration, conservation, and preservation actions for the threatened population of Coho Salmon in the Upper Rogue River through 2050.
The Plan's Three-Pronged Goal
Ecosystem Benefits
This is not just about one fish species, however. Actions that will help recover Coho Salmon have so many more benefits to a myriad of plants and animals, water quality and quantity, and the resiliency of aquatic and upland ecosystems. Our collective vision is to foster the value of these iconic fish so today's children's grandchildren will live with them, and steward these shared resources as a common obligation, recognizing how vital it is to our quality of life (work, play, and spirit).
Relief of upland forest
Improved floodplain connection
Rehabilitated riparian areas
Ground water recharge
Featured Project:
Elk Creek River Mile 5.6
Restoration actions will result in the reconnection of Elk Creek to its floodplain, increased inundation of off-channel habitats, and the creation of complex habitat in three side channels – all leading to improved rearing conditions for juvenile salmonids and improved habitat for several fish and wildlife species.